Regular Price: $480.00
Translation Fee: $120.00
If you qualify for our Youth or Senior discounts, you must Sign-In for the discounted pricing.
Special pricing is available for Children (6-19) and Seniors (65+). If you qualify, please contact our Support Team to update your account before registering.
Special pricing is available for Children (6-19) and Seniors (65+). If you qualify, please contact our Support Team to update your account before registering.
"So this event then is an All-Group Retreat which now with the great disciplines — that you have learned here and only here — going to take and reinstate them and see that that freed-up energy called truth has no longer been put into another neuronet as an excuse or an arguing for your limitations, how much power and energy you have now.
"If you say, “I have learned so much,” well, with the little part of your brain that took up so much energy and so much life, then learning should take up no energy at all and the power of it should be ready to be directed to new realities, and that is what this new group Retreat is about.
"So we are going to go back to the old disciplines in the school.
“We are going to see if in that you have learned anything and if now, finally, manifestation and new destinies and new mind with new bandwidths can actually manifest. That is what we are going to do tonight. “I promise you, you will be exceedingly glad you came this weekend."
- Ramtha
Open to all Capstone and Class 101 Students*
Thursday, February 13 at 6:00 PM (PST)
Saturday, February 15 TBD (PST)
*Capstone students are those students who attended or streamed a Capstone event since 2017.
*Class 101 students are those students who attended or streamed a Class 101 event since 2014.
"So this event then is an All-Group Retreat which now with the great disciplines — that you have learned here and only here — going to take and reinstate them and see that that freed-up energy called truth has no longer been put into another neuronet as an excuse or an arguing for your limitations, how much power and energy you have now.
"If you say, “I have learned so much,” well, with the little part of your brain that took up so much energy and so much life, then learning should take up no energy at all and the power of it should be ready to be directed to new realities, and that is what this new group Retreat is about.
"So we are going to go back to the old disciplines in the school.
“We are going to see if in that you have learned anything and if now, finally, manifestation and new destinies and new mind with new bandwidths can actually manifest. That is what we are going to do tonight. “I promise you, you will be exceedingly glad you came this weekend."
- Ramtha
Open to all Capstone and Class 101 Students*
Thursday, February 13 at 6:00 PM (PST)
Saturday, February 15 TBD (PST)
*Capstone students are those students who attended or streamed a Capstone event since 2017.
*Class 101 students are those students who attended or streamed a Class 101 event since 2014.
- Live Stream registration includes access to the on-demand videos from the event which will be available for 120 days from the start of the event or from the date of purchase after the event start date.
- Barring any technical issues or editing requirements the on-demand review for each session during a multi-day event should be online within 30 minutes after the session has ended.
- We cannot guarantee live teachings by JZ or Ramtha will be made available for review
- If live teachings by JZ or Ramtha are made available there could be a delay due to editing requirements and/or staff availability.
- We also cannot guarantee the form in which the teaching will be made available. In some cases an "audio only" version of the teaching may be all that is released.
- After access has expired you will have the option to extend your access for an additional 120 days for 20% of your original registration fee.
- We cannot guarantee live teachings by JZ or Ramtha will be made available for review
- If live teachings by JZ or Ramtha are made available there could be a delay due to editing requirements and/or staff availability.
- We also cannot guarantee the form in which the teaching will be made available. In some cases an "audio only" version of the teaching may be all that is released.