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Event: Days To Come Update
Date: November 14 - 15, 1987
Disc 1:
1. Toast And Introduction
2. Choice
3. Time – As It Is Seen In The Moment, Manifest Destiny
4. Male And Female In The Image
5. Conquering Kings, Napoleon Bonaparte, And The Beginning Of The Graymen
6. Controlling And Creating Wars – The Rothchild's
7. United States Wars And Its Presidents
8. The Federal Reserve, World War II, And Hitler
9. Ownership Of Countries By The Graymen
Disc 2:
1. Communism
2. Why We Are Ruled By Tyrants
3. President Reagan, Nixon And Watergate
4. Living In The Age Of Tyrants And The New World Order
5. The Debit Card
6. Wickedness – A Choice
7. The Book Of Revelations, Mark Of The Beast, And The Battle Between Light And Dark
8. Economy And The Effects Of Greed
9. Mother Earth
Disc 3:
1. Enlightenment And Knowingness
2. The Rothchilds’ Control Of Fossil Fuels
3. Green Fireballs And The Effects Of Direct Radium
4. Earth Changes
5. Living In Cities Versus Living In Harmony In Nature
This Audio CD Release is
Available to the Public
Volume: 8758
Item Number: CD8758
Disc 4:
1. The Market And Being Prepared
2. Our Alien Brotherhood
3. The Return Of Jesus And The Armada
4. The Courage To Change
5. Choosing To Prepare
6. It Takes A Warrior
7. Toast
Disc 5:
1. Acceptable Resolution
2. Democracy And The Conspiracy Of Greed
3. Depression And The Ultimatum Given To The President
4. Religion
5. The Radical Few
6. Waking Up The Middle Class And Solon’s Republic
7. Personal Survival
8. Regaining Sovereignty
9. Being A Doer – A Lesson From Pompeii
Disc 6:
1. Superconsciousness And Changes In Nature
2. Achieving Superconsciousness Through Spirit
3. Our Love – The Hope For The World
4. Never Regret A Choice
5. The Inability To Understand Ramtha And Personal Destiny
6. An Immaculate Human Being
7. Prophecy Fulfillment And Broadening Our Knowledge Base
8. Why Ramtha Now
9. Coming Into One’s Own Spirit
10. Financial And Preparation Advice
Event: Days To Come Update
Date: November 14 - 15, 1987
Disc 1:
1. Toast And Introduction
2. Choice
3. Time – As It Is Seen In The Moment, Manifest Destiny
4. Male And Female In The Image
5. Conquering Kings, Napoleon Bonaparte, And The Beginning Of The Graymen
6. Controlling And Creating Wars – The Rothchild's
7. United States Wars And Its Presidents
8. The Federal Reserve, World War II, And Hitler
9. Ownership Of Countries By The Graymen
Disc 2:
1. Communism
2. Why We Are Ruled By Tyrants
3. President Reagan, Nixon And Watergate
4. Living In The Age Of Tyrants And The New World Order
5. The Debit Card
6. Wickedness – A Choice
7. The Book Of Revelations, Mark Of The Beast, And The Battle Between Light And Dark
8. Economy And The Effects Of Greed
9. Mother Earth
Disc 3:
1. Enlightenment And Knowingness
2. The Rothchilds’ Control Of Fossil Fuels
3. Green Fireballs And The Effects Of Direct Radium
4. Earth Changes
5. Living In Cities Versus Living In Harmony In Nature
This Audio CD Release is
Available to the Public
Volume: 8758
Item Number: CD8758
Disc 4:
1. The Market And Being Prepared
2. Our Alien Brotherhood
3. The Return Of Jesus And The Armada
4. The Courage To Change
5. Choosing To Prepare
6. It Takes A Warrior
7. Toast
Disc 5:
1. Acceptable Resolution
2. Democracy And The Conspiracy Of Greed
3. Depression And The Ultimatum Given To The President
4. Religion
5. The Radical Few
6. Waking Up The Middle Class And Solon’s Republic
7. Personal Survival
8. Regaining Sovereignty
9. Being A Doer – A Lesson From Pompeii
Disc 6:
1. Superconsciousness And Changes In Nature
2. Achieving Superconsciousness Through Spirit
3. Our Love – The Hope For The World
4. Never Regret A Choice
5. The Inability To Understand Ramtha And Personal Destiny
6. An Immaculate Human Being
7. Prophecy Fulfillment And Broadening Our Knowledge Base
8. Why Ramtha Now
9. Coming Into One’s Own Spirit
10. Financial And Preparation Advice